JUDICIARY Latest Features

Judiciary Gets New Under Secretary
Former Under Secretary, Mr. Winyi handing over to the new US, Ms Maureen Kasande

Ms.Maureen Kasande is Judiciary's new Under Secretary. Freshly transferred from the Judicial Service Commission, the official took office on Monday August 5, 2019, after a brief handover ceremony, witnessed by some senior members of Judiciary's Finance and Administration Department.

Outgoing Under Secretary, Mr. Aggrey Wunyi (transferred to the Uganda Police) said his assignment to the Judiciary is the shortest in his career as a public servant,having only joined the Judiciary in November 2018.

"I do welcome my successor and wish her all the best in the Judiciary. I know that we shall always meet somewhere because Public Service is small," said Mr. Wunyi.

On her part, Ms. Kasande said she was looking forward to working with everyone in the Judiciary. "I am going to start on a clean slate, and I would encourage everyone to do the same. Let’s give each other an opportunity to work together," she said.

Other speakers at the event, who included Ms. Louise Nagirinya (Principal Internal Auditor); Mr. Emitu Stephen Naigo (Principal Accountant); Ms. Apophia N.Tumwine (Principal HR Officer) and Mr. Simon Peter Opolot (Principal Economist), appreciated the good work of Mr. Wunyi, and welcomed Ms. Kasande to the Judiciary family.

Posted 6th, August 2019
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